Case Study: Lebanon Center for Rehabilitation and Healing (Q4 2024)

Case Study: Lebanon Center for Rehabilitation and Healing Q4 2024
Concierge: Misty Billingsley
Patient Name: Ella Mae Hamer
Patient Age: 76
Admission Date: 10/4/24
Admitted From: Vanderbilt Wilson County Hospital
Discharge Date: 10/19/24.
Discharged To: Home
Length of Stay: 15 Days
Reason for Stay: Acute Chronic Diastolic (Congestive) Heart Failure

Details of Experience:

Ms Hamer was admitted to our community on October 4th, 2024. She was greeted by our admission team, who made sure she was comfortable and had everything she needed for her first night. Ella Mae was familiar with our community and had a successful previous stay with us in 2022. Upon admission, she was weak and needed partial/moderate assistance with most activities of daily living (ADLs); however, she was very receptive to therapy, working extremely hard with our team, and made quite a bit of improvement.  

While Ms. Hamer improved her toilet assistance from Moderate Assist to Supervision, she also increased her leg strength, improved her walking distance and activity tolerance, and could ambulate 63 feet with her walker without assistance. This improvement allowed Ella Mae to return home with her family.

While in our community, Ella Mae made a significant contribution to her fellow residents, especially her roommate, who had previously been hesitant to participate in activities. She enjoyed all our activities and was incredibly understanding and kind to all our residents. We thoroughly enjoyed having her back at our center. 

Ms. Hamer was discharged on October 19th and returned to her home and caring family. We are extremely glad that she chose us for her recovery journey and wish her the best in the future.