Case Study: Lebanon Center for Rehabilitation and Healing (August 2021)

Concierge Director: Shannon Oakley
Patient Age: 71 years old
Admission Date: 07/02/2021
Discharge Date: 08/27/2021
Discharged To: Assisted Living
Length of Stay: 22 days
Reason for Stay: Muscle weakness
How did this patient hear about the community? Ms. Borchert has been a resident here at our facility before.

Details of Experience:
Ms. Borchert came to our facility with a diagnosis of muscle weakness, accompanied by sepsis. Ms. Borchert arrived at Lebanon following her stay at the hospital due to becoming quite ill while at the assisted living she previously resided. She came to our community very weak and confused, with little to no recollection of what had happened to her.

Ms. Borchert was a max assist when she entered our facility. She was unable to do almost anything for herself. She required assistance with everyday activities, including grooming. She was unable to walk at all. After a week, Ms. Borchert started giving it her all. The confidence she had to get better was the strongest we had ever seen. Therapy began encouraging her to do things she could previously do but has hesitation about now due to falls during her recovery.

She can now walk with assistance short distances. She can feed herself as well as perform some of her daily hygiene tasks alone. Ms. Borchert built up her strength and can not hold her phone for long periods to facetime her daughter and beloved grandbabies. She began to come out of her room for activities and became a social butterfly while in our facility.

We are so proud of how far Ms. Borchert has come. She did put a lot of time and work into her recovery. Ms. Borchert stated,” therapy has told me how proud they are of me, and they keep telling me how far I have come.” She stated,” I don’t feel as if I have come far, but if they see the progress I have made, then I need to give myself more credit.” She said she works so hard for her grandbabies because holding them means the most to her.

Ms. Borchert will be going to a local assisted living. This will be closer to her family and give her the opportunity to watch her sweet grandbabies grow up.

 We wish Ms. Borchert the best and a healthy, and happy life.